Iu2019m not a JAG officer (but I did play one on television, once, and I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night), so take donu2019t take this as doctrine, but I was a PL for a couple of years and learned that there a couple of ways to quit the Army:1. Donu2019t reenlist and when your contract is over, youu2019ll probably leave the service with an Honorable Discharge, access to the GI Bill (36 months of fully payed tuition up to the most expensive in-state tuition of the state your college is located, plus a stipend for books, and a housing allowance equal to an E-5 in the schoolu2019s zip code) and other VA benefits and a hiring preference for your former service. Get used to people shaking your hand, thanking you for your service, while you wink at their girlfriend because she knowu2019s she dating a pussy.Or did you mean quit the US Army before your term of service is over? According to AR 635u2013200, Active Duty Administrative Separations, there are a few of ways, all with the potential of giving up your earned benefits due to a General Discharge, Other than Honorable Discharge, or Dishonorable Discharge, and depending on how long youu2019ve been in the service:1. Are you younger than 17? You might be eligible for a Chapter 7 separation if you can show you were younger than 17 when you or your parents signed on the dotted line for your enlistment. Your discharge will be u201centry-level separationu201d and youu2019ll get to keep the pay you earned while in, but the Army doesnu2019t owe you anything else and you might not be allowed to enlist in any other service later on. Get used to actual servicemembers shaking your hand for trying, then winking at your girlfriend because she knowu2019s she dating a pussy who couldnu2019t hack it as a Soldier.2. If youu2019re still in a trainee status and have demonstrated an inability to adapt to military service because you canu2019t cut it, you could be separated under a Chapter 11, Entry Level Performance and Conduct, also known as an inability to adapt. Your discharge will read u201cuncharacterized,u201d essentially it means your Army time didnu2019t count, you donu2019t get any military or veteran benefits.Get used to actual servicemembers shaking your hand for trying, then winking at your girlfriend because she knowu2019s she dating a pussy who couldnu2019t hack it as a Soldier.3. If youu2019re female, you could get pregnant (Chapter 8) and unable to pra family care plan once your child is born. Depending on the circumstances of your pregnancy (did you get knocked up to get out of going on a deployment or get separated from service or was this the result of a one-night stand and totally unplanned), you might get an honorable or general discharge. In any event, you wonu2019t be discharged until either the baby is born + 30 days or the latest date your military physician will authorize you to travel to your home of record. You might or might not get veteranu2019s benefits, depending on the characterization of your discharge. 4. Get addicted to drugs or become an alcoholic, attend ADAPCP, and continue to get drunk and/or high, failing a couple of urinalyses. As long as thatu2019s all you do (donu2019t drink and drive, engage in other misconduct and satisfactorily complete the Article 15s youu2019re going to get for failing the UA or for having an alcohol-related incident), youu2019re probably looking at a General, Under Honorable Conditions. Say goodbye to your GI Bill, but you might be eligible for other VA benefits. Get used to real servicemembers shaking your hand for your service, then winking at your girlfriend because she knowu2019s she dating a pussy who couldnu2019t hack it as a Soldier and now has a serious drug problem.5. Get in serious enough trouble that a Court Martial is warranted and request a discharge in lieu of trial by Court-Martial (Chapter 10). Depending on the General Court-Martial Convening Authority, (GCMCA) youu2019ll either receive an other than honorable discharge (say goodbye to all of your VA benefits) or the GCMCA can deny your request, in which case youu2019ll be tried by court-martial and if found guilty, could be either immediately dishonorably discharged without pay and allowances and reduction to the lowest enlisted rank or sent to a military prison to make big rocks into little rocks for a time and then dishonorably discharged without pay and allowances and reduction to the lowest enlisted rank. Say goodbye to your VA benefits and enjoy your life with a federal conviction on your record (good luck getting a job that doesnu2019t come with a hat, polo shirt and a lifetime of asking u201cDo you want fries with that?) and the loss of the ability to legally purchase or possess a firearm. Get used to real servicemembers shaking your hand for your service, then winking at your girlfriend because she knowu2019s she dating a pussy who couldnu2019t hack it as a Soldier. 6. Retire (Chapter 12). I wonu2019t discuss this in length since if youu2019re retiring, youu2019re not really quitting. But if you choose to stay in for 20+ years, you do get some pretty sweet retirement benefits, youu2019ll have an Honorable Discharge, and eligible for all of the VA benefits (and probably some additional cash from disability pay that youu2019re entitled to for beating up your body every day for 20+ years). I know there are some changes coming to retirement pay effective 1 January 2025. Get used to shaking hands with pretty much everyone, hearing u201cThank you for your serviceu201d and winking at their girlfriends because, unless sheu2019s dating a Servicemember or Veteran (someone who did their time honorably), sheu2019s probably dating a pussy.7. Demonstrate habitual unsatisfactory service (Chapter 13). If youu2019ve completed Basic and AIT and are now at your first duty station, demonstrate youu2019re the epitome of a soup sandwich who wonu2019t ever leave the lower enlisted ranks and canu2019t do the simplest of tasks without overwhelming supervision that disrupts the unit mission. Youu2019ll probably get a General under honorable conditions discharge, which means youu2019ll get some, but not most or all, of your VA benefits. Get used to real servicemembers shaking your hand, then winking at your girlfriend because she knowu2019s she dating a pussy who couldnu2019t hack it as a Soldier 8. Demonstrate a pattern of misconduct (Chapter 14). If youu2019ve completed Basic and AIT and are now at your first duty station, get in trouble. A lot. Rack up the Article 15s, engage in conduct prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the unit. Show up drunk or stoned to formation after formation, and then drunk and/or stoned to your extra duty youu2019ll get as a result of the Article 15. Tell your Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Platoon Leader, 1SG and CO what horrible people they are. Steal the Generalu2019s humvee and drive it around the post golf course. Show youu2019re a serious screw up with no redemptive qualities. Be tried in and convicted a civilian court for a crime under civilian jurisdiction. Be lucky enough that youu2019re not being sent to a military prison after a court martial, but still getting kicked out of the Army. Say goodbye to your VA benefits and enjoy your life with a dishonorable discharge on your record (good luck getting a job that doesnu2019t come with a hat, polo shirt and a lifetime of asking u201cDo you want fries with that?) and the loss of the ability to legally purchase or possess a firearm. Get used to real servicemembers shaking your hand for your service, then winking at your girlfriend because she knowu2019s she dating a pussy who couldnu2019t hack it as a Soldier. As a subset of 8: You could always go AWOL (Absent Without Leave). If you live in the barracks, pack up all your personal stuff, toss it in your car and drive away. Leave behind any military-issued gear or you may be charged financially for it. In 30 days, you are u201cdropped from rolesu201d and considered a deserter. The federal government wonu2019t waste resources looking for you, as long as you never apply for a job that requires a background check, file taxes, or get stopped by the police for any reason. A background check will reveal that you are a deserter and probably disqualify you from that job. Remember the kit you took with you (even though I told you not to)? The federal government can garnish your taxes and paycheck in order to recoup what you owe them. Get stopped by the 5u20130? Theyu2019ll haul you in to the station, contact the nearest military installation who will send the Military Police to escort you in shackles to the nearest installation where you will be outprocessed and discharged with an Other than Honorable or Dishonorable Discharge (depending on how kind the CG is feeling that day), resulting in the loss of all of your benefits (there goes your college fund!), the loss of ability to legally own a firearm (if dishonorably discharged) and a sometimes insurmountable obstacle in getting another job. Get used to real servicemembers shaking your hand for your service, then winking at your girlfriend because she knowu2019s she dating a pussy who couldnu2019t hack it as a Soldier.